UESI @ 68

UESI is rooted on the foundations of Word of God, faith & prayer. The emphasis on authority and infallibility of Scriptures is the very core of UESI. Teaching on Quiet Time and how to study the Bible influenced many. Emphasis on the Word of God grounded with prayer helped UESI as a movement to move from one generation to the next. Praise God for the forefathers of UESI who have handed over the truth of the Gospel to faithful men & women who were qualified to teach the next generation.

Over the past 7 decades EU & EGF cell groups have grown in numbers. The flame of fire in 50’s spread from the southern states to almost all the states of India. As an answer to prayer of faithful men and women, God of harvest, was gracious to send labourers into the field. By the grace of God, small movement like a mustard seed has grown to a big tree in the garden. People of the nation have a great expectation from this tree UESI! UESI all these decades could raise servants of God for various organisations who have excelled in various fields.

By the grace of God, small movement like a mustard seed has grown to a big tree in the garden.

Time and context keep on changing. The pandemic has impacted the world in many ways and we have also had to bear with the loss of so many within the constituency of UESI. Today, the biggest challenge for a child of God is investing time – Time for God and time for others. Communication systems have grown so fast that gadgets have replaced the personal relationship with one another. People are ready to give everything except time because everyone struggles with priorities. As a result, slowly, the world (WhatsApp, Facebook, Email, Tweeter, long distant travel for job/education) is taking away the Word from the lives of a believer. Deficiency (Deficit) of time with God’s word in one’s life has resulted in deficiency of faith. Poor input resulted in poor output. There is no substitute for personal care. Personal care involves investing time which leads to growth. Jesus invested his time with his disciples and they witnessed miracles, his lifestyle and pondered His teachings. But on one occasion, they were not able to heal the boy who was demon possessed (Mt. 17:19-20). When the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” He replied, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, `Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Mt. 17:20)

Today, do we have a deficiency of Word of God in our lives with faith deficiency even as we grow numerically? May the LORD help us to overcome the areas of deficit. Our forefathers had enough faith when they registered this movement of faith as UNION OF EVANGELICAL STUDENTS OF INDIA. Today the church, NGOs and other organisations have a high regard and expectation from UESI. They look to us to join and take care of their movements and organisations. We have a long way to go, and we need to run this race with perseverance.

May the LORD help us to run the race with faith and pass on this historic Christian faith to this generation who will be equipped to entrust this faith to reliable men and women to reach the generation next. May the LORD be with us as we celebrate our 68th formation day and let us sing together “Great is thy faithfulness” and look forward with the promise of God which was given to King Hezekiah “Once more a remnant of the house of Judah will take root below and bear fruit above” (II King. 19:30). Pray that we as UESI @ 68 will have surplus of the WORD as well as FAITH in our lives so that we may take deep roots in the Word of God and bear fruit above through servant leaders and be a blessing to Church and the Nation.

“Once more a remnant of the house of Judah will take root below and bear fruit above” (II King. 19:30).

- Saji Easo, General Secretary, UESI