Poonamalle Road, Madras
Prof Enoch invited Dr Sterrett to Madras in 1951. He came with the Moody science film, ‘God and Creation’. The film, which was screened in many colleges and helped the seniors to find those who were interested in the things of the Lord. They had a real breakthrough in Stanley Medical College and were meeting regularly on Fridays.
Our story starts in 1948
Three small groups across the state of Tamil Nadu were meeting

Early in 1948 Half a dozen students of CMC, Vellore, without any senior adviser felt the need for a deeper fellowship than what was provided by the existing Christian organization in the College SCM.
GCT Comibatore
In 1948, D Jayapaul, moved to Coimbatore from Madras as student for second year and missed the Christian Fellowship in Madras. However, he used to go out into the open field and pray that the Lord would raise up prayer cell in G C T hostel. In answer to prayer, the Lord sent H S Ponnuraj (then a student) from Madras, for his second year, to Coimbatore. His coming to G C T hostel was a great help and due to his dynamic leadership and zeal for witnessing, the Lord raised up a small prayer cell which grew up steadily.
Humble beginning of
Madras ICEU
The constant interaction and prayer among students and graduates led to the formation of the committee for Inter Collegiate Evangelical Union (ICEU) of Madras in 1951. A student magazine, entitled The Evangelical Student
In November 1951, Dr Sterrett went to Vellore along with John Moody helped members form an Evangelical Union. The doctrinal basis was discussed, the whole Constitution was drawn up and the name Evangelical Union was accepted. Then the first CMC EU Committee was formed and got official recognition from CMC.
Coimbatore ICEU
D Jayapaul and H S Ponnuraj did lot of outreach in the nearby colleges including the Agricultural College adding students to the prayer cell. Later, in 1952 with H S Ponnuraj’s initiative, the Coimbatore ICEU was officially formed.
Now three groups with similar aims and objectives are meeting at three different places. They felt that the three groups should be united.
Retreat at Katpadi Farm, near Vellore
The three groups had a burden and vision not only for their own places but also for the other students in India. UESI name was given to distinguish it from other students movements in India and to underline the indigenous origin of the movement.
The ministry of UESI has now spread all the states of our vast and diverse nation, transforming thousands of students and graduates to serve as salt and light for God’s glory
Washington Post