The Worth of a Woman through the Lens of her Creator
God sculpted man and woman in His own image (Gen 2:27). He created Eve in a special and unique way by forming her from the rib of Adam (Gen 1:21). As we celebrate International Women’s Day, it is important for women to find their worth not in the things or the people around them, but in their Creator.
God used several women to change the course of history. Jael saw the God-given opportunity and pegged Sisera to the ground (Judges 4:21-22). Jochebed, the mother of Moses, chose to hide him against the king’s edict (Heb. 11:23). Esther stood on behalf of her people and avoided a possible genocide, even though her life was at stake (Esther 4:16).
God used several women to change the course of history. Jael saw the God-given opportunity and pegged Sisera to the ground (Judges 4:21-22).
God used Rahab, a non-Jew with a questionable character, to deliver the people of Jericho into the hands of the Jews (Josh. 2:9-13). Hannah, the mother of prophet Samuel, offered her son to God for His service in response to her answered prayer.
(1 Sam. 1).
Deborah was a prophetess and judge, and her decisions were respected that brought peace to the land (Judges 4-5). Miriam, Huldah, and Anna prophesied, and Joel foretold that the Lord will pour out His Spirit on His servants both men and women (Joel 2:28, 29). Phoebe, Priscilla, and Junia exercised the gifts of the Holy Spirit in leadership and teaching scriptures.
Jesus himself respected and valued women, during his time on this earth. Jesus appreciated the faith of a ‘daughter’ who had a flow of blood for 12 years and was healed when she touched His garment. Jesus touched a ‘daughter of Abraham’ suffering from a spirit that had crippled her for 18 years. He did not condemn the woman caught in adultery but asked her to sin no more. Jesus openly conversed with an adulterous Samaritan woman near the well, and gave her living water, instantly turning her into a passionate evangelist.
Hannah, the mother of prophet Samuel, offered her son to God for His service in response to her answered prayer. (1 Sam. 1).
Women must realize their worth in Christ Jesus. The actual beauty of a woman is in her inner being which comes from her commitment to the Lord. Women are faithful and strong to complete what they set their minds on. Women can empathize and sympathize with those struggling or who are in need. Women, being multitaskers (in general), can care for their families, while handling their roles in career and ministry. Women should build up and not tear down, must be confident in the Lord, faithful and dignified, using their God-given skills and talents (in leadership, communication, discipleship, etc.) for the benefit of the society and extension of God’s kingdom here on earth. A woman’s worth is found in Him alone for she is precious in the sight of her beloved Creator.
Phoebe Emmanuel, Jaipur EGF